Zajedno protiv korupcije – za društvo zasnovano na transparentnosti, pravdi i jednakim šansama za sve!
Zajedno protiv korupcije – za društvo zasnovano na transparentnosti, pravdi i jednakim šansama za sve!
U cilju ličnog i društvenog razvoja mladih, OCD kroz neformalnu edukaciju nudi radionice, treninge, kurseve i seminare koji odgovaraju interesovanjima i potrebama novih generacija.
Pridružite se jedinstvenom događaju u Brčko distriktu, gdje preko 60 privrednih subjekata, fakulteta i obrazovnih ustanova iz cijele BiH predstavljaju mogućnosti za obrazovanje i karijeru!
Child education is more important for the future. If we fail to educate our children, the future will have a huge impact on this. Poverty will increase more.So we must educate the children for our better future.
Povodom Svjetskog dana romskog jezika, koji se obilježava 5. […]
Povodom Svjetskog dana romskog jezika, koji se obilježava 5. […]
U organizaciji Misije OSCE-a u Bosni i Hercegovini, u […]
Policija Brčko distrikta BiH u kontinuitetu nastavlja sa preduzimanjem […]
Please Donate For Help
It is important because your small support can change the world a lot.
We have launched this project to ensure the rights of poor children.
Please Donate For Help
You can send the donation to us for helping the poor.If you don’t want to give us then help the poor directly.
Money is not always the way to help the poor. You can get involved by giving them anything that you are capable of.
You can send them a gift for an individual or multiple person/family that you want to give them to make them happy.
Please Donate For Help
Please Donate For Help
LoveUs has provided their NGO and Non Profit service approximately 25 years and I see that they provide their service with more trust and honesty.
Compared to the other NGO in the world I have seen that the service LoveUS provides is safe and their service much better than the other care NGOin the world.
They are giving their NGO service 24/7. Once I informed them that A man was in trouble. They helped that man within 1 hr and solved that problem and I was impressed.
Please Donate For Help
Povodom Svjetskog dana romskog jezika, koji se obilježava 5. […]
U organizaciji Misije OSCE-a u Bosni i Hercegovini, u […]
Policija Brčko distrikta BiH u kontinuitetu nastavlja sa preduzimanjem […]