Pure Water

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Pure Water

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet constur adipisicing elit sed.

Medical Facilities

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What We Do

Giving Child Education

Child education is more important for the future. If we fail to educate our children, the future will have a huge impact on this. Poverty will increase more.So we must educate the children for our better future.

Experienced Staff
Budite u toku

Najnoviji članci

5 nov

Dnevni centar Vermont obilježava Svjetski dan romskog jezika uz edukativne radionice

Povodom Svjetskog dana romskog jezika, koji se obilježava 5. […]

29 nov

Održana javna panel diskusija “Reci NE korupciji”

U organizaciji Misije OSCE-a u Bosni i Hercegovini, u […]

30 aug

Borba protiv korupcije: Uhapšen službenik Vlade Brčko distrikta

Policija Brčko distrikta BiH u kontinuitetu nastavlja sa preduzimanjem […]

Our Causes

Popular Causes

Please Donate For Help

Raise Fund for Save Elephant

Your donation can save the elephants around the world.

Education for Poor Children

It is important because your small support can change the world a lot.

Promoting The Rights of Children

We have launched this project to ensure the rights of poor children.

Our Process

How Do You Help?

Please Donate For Help


Send Donation

You can send the donation to us for helping the poor.If you don’t want to give us then help the poor directly.


Get Involved

Money is not always the way to help the poor. You can get involved by giving them anything that you are capable of.


Make A Gift

You can send them a gift for an individual or multiple person/family that you want to give them to make them happy.

Upcoming Events

Our Events

Please Donate For Help

20 sep

Donation is Hope for affected

  • 8:00 - 17:00
  • Newyork City
20 sep
20 sep

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Latest Article

5 nov

Dnevni centar Vermont obilježava Svjetski dan romskog jezika uz edukativne radionice

Povodom Svjetskog dana romskog jezika, koji se obilježava 5. […]

29 nov

Održana javna panel diskusija “Reci NE korupciji”

U organizaciji Misije OSCE-a u Bosni i Hercegovini, u […]

30 aug

Borba protiv korupcije: Uhapšen službenik Vlade Brčko distrikta

Policija Brčko distrikta BiH u kontinuitetu nastavlja sa preduzimanjem […]